

Acupuncture Frequently Asked Questions

Are the CITCM programs accredited?
CITCM is licensed under the Private Vocational Schools Act; CITCM is governed under the College of Acupuncturists of Alberta; CITCM’s acupuncture and Doctor of TCM curriculum is recognized by Chengdu University of TCM, with an additional five-month internship at CDUTCM, graduates will be granted a Bachelor’s Degree of Acupuncture & Moxabustion from the Chengdu University of TCM.
How long per day will I have to study?
This depends mainly on the student. On average most students spend approximately 4 hours in class and about 2 -3 hours daily studying and completing assignments after normal class time. In addition to class time, there is a total of between 4 to 12 flexible scheduled clinical training hours per week. The final terms consists entirely of clinical practice, averaging 24 hours per week.
Can I work while going to school?
Yes. Currently, lectures for the Acupuncture and DTCM program are scheduled in the morning (there are a few exceptions to this). WE Integrated Orthopedic Massage programs are scheduled in the morning and some days in the afternoon or Saturdays. These schedules allow students to obtain part-time employment during the school year to help with their finances.
When I complete the program can I run my own clinic?
Yes. That is the route that many graduates have taken and CITCM will help train you for that through the business courses that are part of the curriculum. Many graduates also find positions in other acupuncture and TCM clinics as well as with chiropractors and other health professionals.
When I am a graduate, can I practice anywhere in Canada?
There are many graduates that are earning between $60,000 and $80,000 within the first several years of graduating. Much of this depends on what avenue of employment the graduate chooses to follow and their commitment to incorporating strong business practices into their clinic as well.
When I am a graduate, can I practice anywhere in Canada?

Yes, you can. You will have to pass the Pan Canadian TCM Acupuncturist registration exams to be licensed as an acupuncturist in Alberta. Under existing provincial mobility laws, you will also be able to practice acupuncture in all the other Canadian provinces as well.

Acupuncture Industry Information and Provincial Mobility Rights

In Canada health care, including allopathic, complementary, and alternative medicine, is regulated provincially where currently there are 5 provinces that regulate acupuncture and/or traditional Chinese medicine and herbs. These are Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec, and Newfoundland.

Each province determines the professional requirements to allow Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine (Acu/TCM) practitioners and doctors to legally practice. To aid the provinces in this procedure and to create a national standard for Acu/TCM Ontario, British Columbia, and Human Resource Development Canada produced the Pan-Canadian Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine exams. Currently there are three exams that are now offered based on the professional title and designations which are: Registered Acupuncturist, Registered Herbalist, Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner.

Alberta, Ontario, British Columbia, and Newfoundland are all utilizing the Pan Canadian Examinations. Quebec has a different method of regulation. The following websites are for each of the regulated provinces.

Alberta only recognizes the title Registered Acupuncturist and Doctor of Acupuncture which currently requires successful completion of 5 examinations. These are the Written and Case Studies exams (both are part of the Pan-Canadian exams) and 3 additional exams that are specific to the province of Alberta (Modalities, Point Location, and a Safety/ jurisprudence exam). A Registered Acupuncturist in Alberta will be able to transfer to other regulated provinces based on provincial mobility rights or, as it often referred to as, provincial reciprocity. For example, an individual may transfer from Alberta to British Columbia and practice legally as an acupuncturist upon registration with the CTCMA if they were legally allowed to practice in Alberta. It is possible that a jurisprudence exam or a safety exam will be required but you would not be required to complete the Pan Canadian exams or their equivalents again.

It is necessary to also understand that with a registered title (i.e., Registered Acupuncturist) there may be different restrictions depending on the province. For example, a Registered Acupuncturist in Alberta can prescribe herbal formulas in contrast to British Columbia where a Registered Herbalist, TCM Practitioner, or TCM Doctor registration is required for the same activity. Please ensure that you are aware of any regulations of any province that you wish to practice in. Registration, exams, and titles are all subject to change according to the provincial regulatory bodies, so students are encouraged to continue to monitor developments in their provincial regulation while in their program of study.

As a graduate from the CITCM, am I able to practice in the United States?
CITCM graduates will be able to practice in United States if they pass the required licensing exam in the United States. There will be an approval process to accept CITCM graduates to take the licensing exam but currently, the curriculum meets the requirement for the licensing exam in some places in the United States. Eligibility is determined on a case- by-case basis. Students must pursue their own inquiry into international licensing.

International Mobility

Many graduates may wish to utilize their skills working in another country as an acupuncturist or traditional Chinese medicine doctor. Every country (or possibly every jurisdiction, state, or province within a country) may have different regulations for professional practice. It is up to the practitioner to research regarding international employment and regulations. The education at CITCM has in the past been transferred out of the country; however, every situation is looked at on an individual case by case evaluation. Policies that are valid in a country in one year may be changed and no longer valid the next year.

I am a western trained health professional; will I receive advanced standing into the Double Major Acupuncture/Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine program?
CITCM encourages doctors, nurses, or any other health professionals to apply to the Double Major Diploma Program. As a trained physician, naturopathic doctor, chiropractor, a nurse practitioner or registered nurse, it is possible that you will receive up to one full year of credit transfers for both theory and clinic courses towards the Double Major Diploma Program. With this, you may be able to complete the four-year program in three years (credit transfer assessment policy and fee apply).

For other health practitioners who wish to further their career into practice of natural medicine, you have the advantages to transfer credits for both theory classes as well as some clinical hours, that will possibly allow you to graduate from the program two semesters early (credit transfer assessment policy and fee apply).

View Admission Requirements

Massage Program Frequently Asked Questions

What certification will I have on completion of the program?
The WE Integrated Massage Program is accredited by National Health Practitioners of Canada (NHPC). Graduates of the 1113 Hour (One Year) and 2200 Hour (Two Year) WE Integrated Massage programs can register under the Discipline of Massage Therapist.
Admission Requirements
  • 18 years of age at the start of the program.
  • Proof of secondary-school diploma, equivalent, or post-secondary education must be provided.
  • A successful interview with the Registrar to discuss why you would like to attend the program of your choice.
Where do Massage Therapists work?
Massage Therapists work in many different environments, including:

  • Massage Clinics;
  • Multi-disciplinary health care facilities;
  • Sports clubs, spas, resorts and hotels;
  • Industrial or Corporate work sites; or
  • Own their own clinic.
What type of income can I expect to make as a Massage Therapist?
As a massage professional you can expect to earn between $60 and $100 per hour, while working in a positive, low stress environment. As a WE Massage Therapist, you can expect to bill a higher hourly rate because of your advanced skills.
CITCM started as an Acupuncture school, will I learn Acupuncture too?
Yes, you will learn the foundations of Acupuncture including acupuncture meridians and acupressure points related to massage therapy. However, you will not learn acupuncture treatment and techniques.The Eastern content of the WE program is based on the Foundations of Chinese Medicine. Many of the courses in the first two years of the Double Major Acupuncture/DTCM Diploma are directly transferable.
CITCM has an Intern Clinic; will I treat there?
Yes. The CITCM Intern clinic offers the opportunity for students to practice Acupressure, WE Integrated Massage Therapy and Tuina massage. The Interns are supervised by experienced Registered Massage Therapists. This is an excellent opportunity for family and friends to experience your learning progress and achievement.
Check out our Massage Program Website